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I love ...

  • I really like
  • I adore
  • I'm keen on— interested in
  • I am keen on + noun / I am keen on + verb-ing
  • I’m fond of
  • I fancy
  • I’m into…
  • I admire
  • I look up to

I hate ...

  • I loathe
  • I detest
  • I can’t stand
  • I’m fed up with / I’m sick to the back teeth of him / her
  • They are abhorrent — feel disgusting
  • They wind me up — annoy me

Metaphors and Idioms

How do you feel today?

  • U feel like a million dollars! (Feel really healthy)
  • I am worn up (really tired / exhausted)
  • I am burning up (temperature / fever)
  • I want to throw up (vomit)
  • I am tip top (Feel great)
  • I’m in the pink (I am really healthy)
  • I feel like death warmed up (Feel terrible)
  • I have a frog my throat (Voice is sore and deep)
  • I have pins and needles (strange sensation in my body, loss of feeling)
  • I am as fit as as a fiddle (Feel really healthy)
  • I am shattered (really tired / exhausted)
  • I feel like the room is spinning (dizzy)
  • I slept like a log (Perfect nights sleep)
  • I was nodding and turning all night (Terrible nights sleep)
  • My head is pounding (I have a headache)
  • I am bunged up (I feel congested, flocked sinus)
  • I have ants in my pants (Can’t sit still)
  • Don’t chicken out of going to the shops (lose courage and act scared)