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Present Continuous

Сегодня изучим время Present Continuous, сделаем для него несколько грамматических заданий и поговорим на интересную тему


Present continuous образован от настоящего времени глагола be и формы –ing глагола:

Rule Example
+ Sub + is/am/are + v1(-ing) + ... . He is reading.
They are working.
- Sub + is/am/are + not + v1(-ing) + ... . He is not reading.
They aren't working.
Yes/No? Is/Am/Are + sub + v1(-ing) + ... ? Is he reading?
Are they working?
Wh_? Why/What/... + is/am/are + sub + v1(-ing) + ... ? What is he reading?
Why are they working?

Когда использовать

Rule Example
Действиях в момент разговора I'm just leaving work. I'll be home in an hour.
Please be quiet. The children are sleeping.
Будущие планы Mary is going to a new school next term.
What are you doing next week?
Изменяющиеся ситуации The climate is getting hotter each year.

Когда не использовать

Обычно мы не используем Continuous с глаголами в стативном падеже.

Стативные глаголы включают:

  • глаголы мышления и чувства:

    believe, dislike, know, like, love, hate, prefer, realise, recognise, remember, suppose, think (= believe), understand, want, wish

  • verbs of the senses:

    appear, feel, look, seem, smell, sound, taste

  • others:

    agree, be, belong, disagree, need, owe, own, possess

Вместо этого мы обычно используем Simple:

  • I understand you. (NOT I am understanding you.)
  • This cake tastes wonderful. (NOT This cake is tasting wonderful.)

Exercise 1

Exercise 1

Соедините с возможным ответами:

  1. Will you please be quiet? .... . {{ ans A }}
  2. (on the phone) Can I phone you later? .... . {{ ans A }}
  3. Could you stop the car, please? .... . {{ ans A }}
  4. (on the phone) Can I take a message? .... . {{ ans A }}
  5. Is it OK if we take a taxi? .... . {{ ans B }}
  6. (on the phone) Would you start cooking the dinner? .... . {{ ans A }}


  • A. I am trying to do my homework.
  • B. I am having problems with my car today.
  • C. We are just eating our dinner.
  • D. I am feeling sick.
  • F. Ray’s taking a shower at the moment.
  • J. I am leaving the office now.

Exercise 2

Посмотрите на цитату Садхгуру и обратите особое внимание на то, как он использует Present Continuous здесь:


"Every moment there are a million miracles happening around you: a flower blossoming, a bird tweeting, a bee humming, a raindrop falling, a snowflake wafting along the clear evening air. There is magic everywhere. If you learn how to live it, life is nothing short of a daily miracle."

– Sadhguru

Exercise 3

Давайте поговорим на тему “Какое у вас сейчас внутреннее состояние и что происходит вокруг вас в данные момент?”, используя Present Continuous.