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Going To

Future plans

Для начала, может ли кто-то из вас уже рассказывать о своих будущих планах на английском?

When to Use

Мы используем going to когда говорим о:

  • Делах / планах, уже запланированных до момента разговора.

    Ex: I am going to visit India next month.

  • Обоснованные предсказывания о том что произойдет, когда ты на 80% уверен.

    Ex: Look at those black clouds. It is going to rain.
    Ex: What is he doing?! He's going to fall from his scateboard.

  • Просто предсказывания, даже без особой уверенности.

    Ex: I thing it is going to be tasty in Biksha.

Конструкция образуется при помощи глагола to be и инфинитива глагола без частицы to

  • I'm going to phone Mum after dinner. I told her I'd call at 8 o'clock.
  • He is going to study for his exam tomorrow
  • I'm going to wear my black dress tonight.
  • I'm going to go to the supermarket after work. What do we need?
To Be

Есть ли здесь сейчас те, кто находится еще на совсем начальном этапе изучения языка? Тогда освежим как глагол to be используется со всеми местоимениями:

  • I am
  • He/She/It is
  • You/We/They are

Will vs. Going to



Exercise 1

Complete the sentences with the correct form of going to:

  1. I .... (go) to the beach tomorrow. {{ ans am going }}
  2. She .... (cook) dinner tonight. {{ ans is goint to cook }}
  3. They .... (watch) a movie this weekend. {{ ans are going to watch }}
  4. We .... (have) a party next month. {{ ans are going to have }}
  5. He .... (buy) a new car next year. {{ ans is going to buy }}

Rewrite the sentences using going to:

  1. I will visit my grandparents this weekend. {{ ans I am going to visit... }}
  2. She will study for her exam tomorrow. {{ ans She is going to study... }}
  3. They will have a party next week. {{ ans They are going to have a party... }}

Choose the correct form of going to to complete the sentences:

  1. We .... (is/are) going to travel to Europe next summer. {{ ans are }}
  2. He .... (is/are) going to play soccer with his friends this afternoon. {{ ans is }}
  3. She .... (is/are) going to visit her family next month. {{ ans is }}
Exercise 2

Write one sentence about your plans for the future using "going to".

Exercise 3: Speaking

Давайте разделимся на группы и попробуем составить планы на будущее, использую going to.

Exercise 4: Reading an article

Сейчас самое время потренироваться на интересной статье Садхгуру «Разница между любовью и вожделением».

Exercise 5: Watching a video

Сейчас предлагаю отложить в сторону going to и попробовать разобрать кратенькое видео Садхгуру с английскими субтитрами