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Future Simple

Future Simple используется для выражения действий, которые произойдут в будущем. В отличие от других времен, которые имеют множество форм, основанных на нюансах значения, Future Simple в английском языке довольно прямолинейно. В нем используется вспомогательный глагол "will", за которым следует базовая форма основного глагола.


Positive Statements: Subject + will + base verb + rest of the sentence
Example: She will go to the party tonight.

Negative Statements: Subject + will + not + base verb + rest of the sentence
Example: They will not (won't) play basketball tomorrow.

Questions: Will + subject + base verb + rest of the sentence?
Example: Will you join us for dinner?


Predictions: When we predict a future event or action.
It will rain tomorrow.
Spontaneous Decisions: Decisions that are made at the moment of speaking.
I'm thirsty. I will get a glass of water.
Promises/Offers/Requests: When we promise to do something or offer/request someone else to do something.
I will help you with your homework.
Will you pass the salt?
Scheduled Events (less common): Sometimes, especially in public announcements or timetables.
The plane will depart at 5 pm.

Exercise 1: Complete the Sentences

Complete the following sentences using the Future Simple tense
  • I think it .... (be) sunny tomorrow.
  • Don't worry! She .... (not/miss) the bus.
  • .... you .... (attend) the meeting next week?
  • They promise they .... (finish) the project by next month.
  • The movie .... (start) at 8 pm sharp.
  • By 2050, we .... (live) on Mars.
  • I .... (not/eat) that; I'm allergic to peanuts!
  • .... he .... (travel) to Spain this summer?
  • They .... (not/watch) the match tonight because of their prior commitments.
  • We're out of bread. I .... (buy) some on my way home.

Exercise 2: Turn the Statements into Questions

Turn the following statements into questions using the Future Simple tense.
  • You will join the club.
  • They will visit the Eiffel Tower.
  • She will study tonight.
  • The conference will begin at 9 am.
  • They will cook dinner tonight.
  • The band will perform in the city square.
  • She will write a new novel.

Exercise 3: Predictions

Based on the situations given, write a prediction using the Future Simple tense

Clouds are dark and it's very windy.
I think it .... .
Jack is practicing basketball every day.
He .... in the school team.
Your friend forgot her umbrella at home.
She .... wet if it rains.
Many people are booking flights to Hawaii.
Tourism in Hawaii .... .
The dog looks hungry and is wagging its tail near the food bowl.
The dog .... soon.
There's a lot of traffic on the highway.
We .... late if we take the highway.

Time for a video about donkey